Keywords: quality of working life, motivation, incentives, wages, job satisfaction


The article discusses approaches to the definition of the concept of "working life quality" and the indicators that characterize it. The features of motivation and stimulation of personnel labor and their impact on the working life quality are revealed. The essence of the models of motivation for improving the working life quality and workers labor activity in Ukraine is considered. The quality of the employee's working life is an important tool of motivation, because the higher it is, the more the employee will be able to meet their physiological needs: security needs, needs of belonging and complicity, recognition and self-affirmation, needs of self-realization. And, accordingly, the more fully the employee can meet their needs, the higher the working life quality, and from the point of view of the employer increases labor efficiency, reduces staff turnover, improves labor discipline. The assessment of the components of the working life quality from the standpoint of the employee, entrepreneur and society is given. Improving the working life quality involves improving the socio-economic content of labor, the development of those characteristics of labor potential that allow entrepreneurs to more fully use the intellectual, creative, organizational, moral abilities of man. It has been proven that the needs that an employee seeks to satisfy by participating in labor activities are directly dependent on the factors that shape the working life quality of these employees. A parallel is drawn between them. Current practice shows that there are enough reserves to improve the quality of life in the near future, but they are not fully used. The statement is substantiated that ensuring the quality of the worker's working life is both a complex motivator and stimulus for his labor activity, and appropriate conclusions are drawn. Improving the working life quality should be aimed at increasing labor productivity by increasing motivation for productive work. This can be achieved by reducing risks to the health of employees, increasing their income, maintaining the ability to work productively, creatively, developing and realizing their potential.


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How to Cite
Salo, Y., & Pavlichenko, A. (2021). THE IMPACT OF WORK MOTIVATION ON THE EMPLOYEES’ WORKING LIFE QUALITY. Economy and Society, (26).