The purpose of the article is to study the peculiarities of harmonious development of strategic management in the context of digitalization. The development of a development strategy is an important point both in the context of constant dynamics of the internal and external environments and in the context of the mission, goals, and policies of an individual business entity. This is primarily due to the urgent need to optimize their activities. The article is devoted to the study of modern features of harmonious development of strategic management in the context of digitalization. The article uses such research methods as analysis, systematization, analogies, and others. The article examines the prospects for harmonious economic development based on the use of the advantages of digitalization in the formation of strategic management systems. The article characterizes the key aspects of strategic management in the context of digitalization. It is determined that digitalization, active introduction and development of the latest technologies in the activities of enterprises will also entail changes (dynamics) in approaches to ensuring competitive positions in the markets. The main effects of the digitalization of domestic entrepreneurship are considered. The use of digital technologies will help to increase the levels of productivity, production efficiency, etc., and will allow improving the quality of products and services, reducing negative deviations of quality parameters. The author proposes a mechanism for the use of digital tools (digitalization) in the process of formation and development of competitive advantages of domestic enterprises, which will be based on their main business processes. The practical significance is that the mechanism for implementing a strategy for achieving competitive advantages by domestic enterprises in the context of digitalization is a set of directions, measures, tools aimed at achieving a competitive position of a domestic enterprise in the market by introducing advanced technologies into business processes, which will allow to achieve a cost leadership position, differentiate products (its product range), services in the market, and a strategy for entering foreign markets, which is highly relevant in the context of European integration.
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