Keywords: power transmission companies, logistics potential, management strategies, energy systems, innovations


The article explores the logistics potential of power transmission companies as a crucial element of the electric power system. It characterizes the technical and infrastructural aspects of logistics potential, including generating facilities, substations, transmission lines, distribution lines, and control and monitoring systems. Key factors such as reliability, efficiency, and resource management that determine the success of power transmission companies' operations are highlighted. The study compares the logistics potential of power transmission companies with that of other entities, emphasizing the specific context and socio-economic significance of the power industry. It identifies the logistics potential of power transmission companies as critical for ensuring reliable, stable, and efficient power supply, utilizing technologies to optimize the functioning of energy systems. The research emphasizes the importance of scientific investigations into the logistics potential of power transmission companies to enhance reliability, reduce environmental impact, introduce new technologies, and stimulate innovation in the field of electric power. The study's findings can be utilized to develop strategies for managing and modernizing energy infrastructure to increase its sustainability and resilience. The article outlines priorities for the formation and development of the logistics potential of power transmission companies to ensure stable and efficient power supply. It notes that system reliability involves identifying and addressing potential faults or disruptions in network operation, contributing to the optimization of companies' logistics potential. Special attention is given to optimizing power transmission companies as a process of improving and increasing the efficiency of their operations. Various aspects of optimization are discussed, including load distribution, routing, placement of substations and equipment, load management, implementation of modern technologies, and loss reduction. It underscores that optimization is a crucial stage in shaping the logistics potential to ensure the optimal use of resources and enhance the reliability of power supply. In summary, the article highlights key priorities and tasks in shaping the logistics potential of power transmission companies to achieve the goal of stable, efficient, and reliable power supply.


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How to Cite
Rusyn-Hrynyk , R., Hnatush, P., & Borsuk, O. (2023). THE ESSENCE AND TYPES OF LOGISTICS POTENTIAL OF POWER TRANSMISSION COMPANIES. Economy and Society, (57).