The study of ways to improve the efficiency of the use of resources for the seed plant is an extremely urgent task, which is of crucial importance for ensuring the sustainable development of the agricultural sector, high-quality production and responding to modern challenges in the field of agricultural products. The article carried out a systematic analysis and explored the key areas aimed at increasing the efficiency of resource use for the seed plant. It was determined that the automation of processes is a key element in improving the efficiency and competitiveness of seed production. The use of modern technologies for the automation of various production processes allows to significantly increase the quality of products, reduce costs and increase overall productivity. It has been proven that supply chain optimization is an integral part of the efficiency improvement strategy for the seed plant, it includes a wide range of measures aimed at rationalizing all stages from the supply of raw materials to the supply of finished products. It is substantiated that the use of advanced varieties and technologies in seed production is a critically important element for achieving high productivity and sustainability in plant cultivation. It was determined that energy efficiency in agriculture, in particular in seed production, not only helps to reduce costs, but also makes production more sustainable and environmentally friendly. It has been proven that the implementation of quality management systems is a necessary element of modern production, especially in the field of seed production, where product quality has a direct impact on high standards of yield and plant stability. It was determined that the effective use of water resources and other natural resources is a critically important task for seed production, especially in the context of climate change and limited resources. Improving the efficiency of the use of resources for the seed plant is an important component of sustainable and competitive agriculture. The directions proposed in the article allow not only to optimize production and reduce costs, but also to improve the quality and sustainability of products. The joint implementation of these strategies contributes to the balanced use of resources, reducing the negative impact on the environment and ensuring a high level of satisfaction of consumer needs.
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