The article is devoted to the study of the best practices of modern Ukrainian and foreign high-tech enterprises during the period of crisis phenomena associated with the COVID-19 pandemic and military actions on the territory of Ukraine, which significantly affect the behavior of business entities around the world. The essence of anti-crisis management and the main compensatory measures to eliminate the negative impact of crises have been studied. The modern business environment was analyzed and the methods of corporate social responsibility implemented, which are a strategically important element for maintaining the stability and competitiveness of enterprises. It is shown how the implementation of the principles of corporate social responsibility not only strengthens the company's reputation, but also attracts and retains qualified specialists, provides a competitive advantage and contributes to solving social problems. The role of social responsibility and leadership in the implementation of anti-crisis programs at enterprises is shown. Applied empirical methods, complex methods, system analysis, text research methods were used in the study of the content, structure and means of anti-crisis management. Conclusions were made and priority directions for the development of anti-crisis management and corporate social responsibility for Ukrainian hi-tech sector enterprises were identified. The most important aspects of anti-crisis management are analyzed and highlighted. The author's definition of the terms "anti-crisis management" and "means of anti-crisis management" is given. Tech giants must learn from catastrophic failures, adapt their crisis communications strategies, and prioritize transparency, preparation, and effective internal and external communications. By doing so, they can strengthen their resilience, maintain user trust and protect their reputation as reliable manufacturers. Recommended consolidation of enterprises for the joint implementation of permanent projects aimed at systemic changes in Ukraine, measures to improve the communication process through internal initiatives of companies.
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