Keywords: land resources, efficiency, crop rotation, agricultural crops, sustainable development, state support


The importance of rational use of domestic land resources is of strategic importance in the face of global challenges regarding population growth and limited land suitable for agricultural use. Land resources are a necessary element for material production and provision of vital needs of society. The economic content of the "efficiency" category consists in comparing costs with the results obtained. Indicators of economic efficiency most objectively reveal the price of the achieved result and indicate the expediency of investing additional resources to obtain such a result. It should be noted that in 2021, the yield of agricultural crops of LLC «Agro-Sem 3» exceeded not only the average regional indicator of the Zhytomyr region, but also of Ukraine in general. The increase in the yield of agricultural crops at the enterprise is due to the introduction of organic and mineral fertilizers according to scientifically based agrotechnical norms and optimal terms. Thus, the increase in productivity of LLC «Agro-Sem 3» compared to the average Ukrainian indicators is explained by the intensification of the crop industry, in particular, the increase in the amount of mineral, organic fertilizers and pesticides applied per 1 ha of cultivated area. However, the insufficient level of application of organic and mineral fertilizers causes a deficiency of nutrients in the soil. The low level of state support for measures aimed at increasing the efficiency of the use of land resources, the protection of agricultural lands, their rational use, and the conservation of degraded and unproductive lands is currently a problem. According to the results of the study, it was established that agricultural practices are not always oriented towards the optimal and efficient use of land resources, which may include problems with the placement of crops, the use of fertilizers, and other aspects of land use. There is a need to apply state policy tools that would direct and control agricultural land use to solve the problems of soil erosion and other negative anthropogenic impacts. Solving such problems should be based on the adoption of effective agropolitical measures, implementation of innovative agrotechnical practices, provision of training and support to agricultural producers, and other measures for balanced and sustainable use of land resources.


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