The article deals with the peculiarities of motivation personnel in the management system of a modern enterprise. Today, a high level of staff motivation is the key to implementing a strategy and increasing competitive advantages. In this regard, the search for effective tools that would not only motivate employees to work, but also build their job satisfaction and stimulate their desire to improve, develop, etc. becomes particularly relevant. Modern conditions require a systematic approach from the management of enterprise to increase the level of motivation of employees to labor activity. The article considers the types of motivation of the enterprise’s personnel, motivating and demotivating factors. The basic provisions to be followed by the company’s management in order to encourage employees to work in a highly productive manner are formulated. The basis for creating an effective motivation system is to take into account the fact that you cannot motivate everyone in the same way, because each employee is unique and has his or her own individual needs. Managers of modern enterprises have to deal with employees belonging to different age groups, whose motivational preferences differ significantly. The defining characteristics of baby boomers are respect for position, status and regalia, desire for stability and financial protection. For generation X employees, material well-being and confidence in the future play an important role. Generation Y employees are very ambitious, value freedom, and adapt quickly to change. The defining characteristics of generation Z are the desire for continuous development, self-education and creativity, and non-standard solutions to problems. Generalizing the characteristics of different generations allowed us to form their motivational profile and develop a set of motivational measures. It is concluded that the formation of an effective system of motivation of enterprise personnel involves taking into account both the individual interests of employees and the peculiarities of group behavior of all members of the labor collective. Proposals for improving the efficiency of staff motivation in the enterprise management system in modern realities are developed.
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