Keywords: sacred geography, necropolis Calvary, historical and architectural monuments, tourist objects and routes


The article considers a unique historical and sacred object - the Uzhhorod Necropolis Calvary, which was reflected in the small number of periodical publications of the 19th - 20th centuries. Cemeteries are an integral part of any society. There are always "cities of the dead" near settlements, and people have a need to visit cities of eternal rest. We have provided a historical description of the most tourist-visited necropolises in Europe and Ukraine. It has been proven that their popularity is explained by the presence of historical necropolises with the graves of famous figures (science, culture, politics) and highly artistic memorial and architectural monuments. Also, the issue of the need to preserve the tombstones of the Uzhhorod Necropolis Calvary as objects of cultural heritage, which must be protected from destruction by both nature and vandals, was considered. Among the suggestions is the need to implement the experience of applying the principles of organizing museums-cemeteries in the open air (skansen). The purpose of the article is to draw the attention of the general public, officials and scientists to the preservation and further fate of the Uzhhorod Necropolis Calvary, as one of the unique sacred and historical-architectural monuments of Transcarpathia and Ukraine, which is currently an object of increased tourist interest. The issues of arranging the excursion route "Calvary of Uzhhorod - an open book of memory" were studied in order to popularize the necropolis as a tourist object in the context of the historical sketch of the formation of Uzhhorod history. The research is based on modern and archival materials of the relevant subject. The main results of the research are the creation of a route that covers the burials of prominent people of the region, who most contributed to its popularization, among them: world-famous artists Yosyp Bokshai, Gavrilo Gluk, Adalbert Erdeli, Anton Kashshai, Andriy Kotska, Fedir Manailo; writers - Fedir Potushniak, Petro Skunts, Mykhailo Tomchanii, Ivan Chendey; composers and artists - Klara Balog, Desideriy Zádor, Ishtvan Marton, Mykola Popenko, Yevhen Sherehiy; scientists – Eduard Balaguri, Vasyl Komendar, Volodymyr Lendyel, Volodymyr Slyvka, Otto Shpenik, Oleksandr Fedynets and others.


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How to Cite
Habchak, N., Zhulkanych, B., & Korchynska, Z. (2023). UZHHOROD NECROPOLIS CALVARY AS A HISTORICAL AND GEOGRAPHICAL OBJECT OF SACRED STUDY. Economy and Society, (55).