Keywords: economic security, economic security of the enterprise, construction enterprises, informativeness, competitiveness, manufacturability, economic risks, construction industry


Within the article, the state of construction enterprise for 2016-2022 is analyzed, the dynamics of the basic economic indicators that characterize the activity of enterprises of the construction industry regarding the construction of both engineering structures and buildings are determined. A review of publications of an applied nature regarding the specifics of the activity of construction enterprises in today’s conditions made it possible to reveal a significant list of reasons for the complication of their business conditions, decrease in productivity and competitiveness. Inconsistency in the quality and deterioration of the supply logistics of construction materials, the crisis state of the domestic production of construction materials, significant destruction of production capacities, uneven loading of existing production capacities, and a critical increase in logistics costs are identified as specific problems. Based on the analysis of scientific approaches to the characteristics of the structure of economic security of the enterprise, the components of this economic phenomenon are outlined and detailed. The specific features of the basic components of economic security of construction enterprises, which have the greatest impact on the competitiveness, are characterized. It is determined that the first priority for construction enterprises today is to make decisions regarding the strengthening of the technical component of their economic security, which mostly forms the costs characteristics of the economic potential of the enterprise and requires constant monitoring of technological efficiency and productivity. The author’s approach to determining the configuration of the triune component of the enterprises’s economic security, which inextricably combines its innovative, adaptive and informational components, is proposed. Scientific novelty of this study consists in identifying the basic components of the formation of economic security of a construction enterprise (based on its specifics) and determining functional approaches to their activation and interaction to achieve the necessary level of the enterprise competitiveness. From a theoretical and practical point of view, the significance of the research results presented in this article can be seen in the improvement of the toolkit for the formation of economic security of the construction enterprise based on the use of those components that will mostly effectively affect the competitiveness.


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