The article is devoted to the main aspects of managing the socio-economic development of enterprise personnel in the context of sustainable development. The formation of a new understanding of the essence of the enterprise is emphasized. It is emphasized that a new type of employee is being formed, who should have not only high professional competence, but also general erudition, strategic thinking, technical literacy, a creative attitude to work, be entrepreneurial, have the basics of self-management, be ready to constantly change with the organization, be passionate about the work, be creative, aimed at continuous improvement and development of innovations, and be able to achieve the organization's goals in a dynamically changing external environment. In contrast to these requirements, the tariff-salary system of remuneration that has been preserved in many Ukrainian enterprises, the directive-command system of management, the culture of "formal" performance of "only one's own duties", the established and actively used system of fines and penalties do not allow for the formation of personnel involved in the process of continuous improvement of the organization's activities. It is noted that for this purpose, corporate measures should be applied as part of the social policy of the enterprise, which will help to increase staff motivation, being a marker of corporate social policy. Despite the fact that enterprises have the economic opportunity, they are not ready to invest resources in the development of their social sphere due to the lack of calculation of the economic effect of social programs. A model of a systematic approach to managing the social development of enterprise personnel has been developed, which is focused on understanding and managing all aspects of personnel management as an integrated system. A general scheme of development of organizational and economic relations between manager and employee on the basis of a personalized approach is presented. It is noted that with the help of the implemented responsible socio-economic policy, an enterprise is able to manage the reproduction of human capital in various spheres of life, to influence motivation, staff involvement, level of loyalty and life satisfaction. The close relationship between the structural components of corporate social policy and the components of employee well-being is emphasized.
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