The work is devoted to the analysis of the development of innovative processes at the enterprises of the hotel and restaurant business and the determination of the main directions of innovative innovations to improve the efficiency of the enterprise, the study of the impact of innovative technologies on improving the quality of service organization and the features of the application of innovative technologies in the hotel and restaurant business in modern conditions, characteristic of the current state of the economy of Ukraine. Most of the hotel and restaurant enterprises operate in conditions of instability and increased risk. In this regard, one of the main tasks of managing enterprises in the service sector at the current stage is to ensure their sustainable development by forming an appropriate strategy and its implementation with the help of the desire to increase economic efficiency, increase demand for products and services, reduce costs for the organization of production, implementation production and provision of services related to the innovative activity of the enterprise. Its types are focused on the development and implementation of new products, processes and services, new methods of product promotion and sales, or changes in the organizational structure of the enterprise. The implementation of process innovations in the hotel and restaurant business increases the productivity of the company's activities in the field of service, which allows you to get more income from the sale of products or services, expand the sales market and increase profit, which is very important in the conditions of market relations. The innovative way of development of enterprises with the introduction of innovative technologies for the production of products or service that meet the requirements and wishes of the consumer provides a competitive advantage to the enterprise in a certain segment of the market, allows to increase income from sold products or provided services. Therefore, based on all of the above, it can be concluded that the stable innovative development of enterprises in Ukraine should become one of the priority areas of the state's activity, since the successful implementation of innovations can provide competitive advantages at the international and interregional level. Also, the introduction of innovations will have a positive effect on the economy of the state in general, because increasing the competitiveness of hotel and restaurant businesses will lead to an increase in GDP.
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