Keywords: competence, competency, working remotely, competence model, employee assessment


The relevance of scientific research is determined by an event that is becoming increasingly important and widespread, namely, the COVID-19 pandemic, which has quickly changed companies’ approaches to work and carried out serious checks in various processes and systems. The staff nowadays carries knowledge, skills and abilities, and the employee becomes the leading factor in the development of any organization and the main factor in the formation of its stable competitive advantages. In this article, we have studied the methodological aspect of the formation and implementation of a universal model of competencies for employees who have switched to remote work, which determines the relevance and novelty in authors’ views. The authors give a theoretical analysis to understand “competence” and “competency”, based on research in the scientific literature, the main approaches to the interpretation of data to understand are considered and presented. The relationship between them is established and their differentiation is justified as well. We have investigated the social and personal aspects of the competence of an employee who switched to working remotely. A profile of social and personal competencies has also been developed. The authors conducted a survey, the target audience of which was chosen as the social networks LinkedIn and Facebook, namely HR directors, managers, business partners and employers. The research we have justified the importance of having the selected competencies among employees working remotely; identified the necessary level of proficiency in each of them; described behavioral indicators for key competencies. Based on the obtained results, the authors propose a universal model of competences. Taking into consideration the Likert total rating scale and the results of the conducted expert survey among experts from among experienced HR specialists and HR directors of various companies in Ukraine, we have calculated weighting coefficients. We have worked out recommendations for evaluating employees using the Harington scale and estimated coefficients, implementing an effective remote working mode, making appropriate management decisions, among which we suggest the next: organizing training for the employee, organizing a blended-online and in person mode and providing a greater share of responsibility to the employee and the ability to make independent decisions.


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How to Cite
Voloboieva, I., Kravchuk, O., & Parashchuk, Y. (2021). UNIVERSAL COMPETENCY MODEL FOR WORKING IN REMOTE MODE. Economy and Society, (25). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2021-25-36