The article examines the definitions of the concept of "marketing management", the principles and stages of organizing the marketing activity management system of agricultural producers in Ukraine. It has been established that marketing management defines an important functional area of business, which is responsible for the flow of goods and services from producers to consumers. It includes planning, organizing, directing, coordinating, motivating and controlling marketing activities. Marketing management is a critical and creative task to ensure customer satisfaction and thereby profit from consumer demand. These are the managerial functions of planning, executing, coordinating and controlling the market functions of marketing research, planning and product development, pricing, advertising, selling and distribution to meet the needs of consumers, businesses and society. In essence, this is demand management according to the customer-oriented marketing philosophy of doing business. A comprehensive approach to the management of marketing activities involves systematic work in four main directions: correct specialization; improvement of the technological system of the enterprise; modernization of the material and technical base; implementation of innovations in agriculture. A key idea of marketing is that every aspect of a business must be driven by the market, effective marketing is a necessary but not sufficient condition for business success. In market-driven organizations, marketing will be allowed to influence other functional areas such as research and development, production, finance, and personnel. One of the main conditions for the successful implementation of the marketing management system in agricultural enterprises is the introduction of organizational marketing structures, marketing strategies in production by adapting them to the conditions of their application and the specifics of their acceptance by managers and specialists of agricultural enterprises.
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