The article reveals the existing problems and provides a theoretical and methodological basis for the development of a holistically oriented system of accounting and analytical support for management processes in the field of financing and development of funds for housing construction. The accounting problems in the reflection of operations with capital investments are presented and a critical analysis of the directions for improving the accounting of capital investments proposed in domestic research, in particular for the reflection of sources of housing construction financing with a developed method of separating funds received through construction financing funds, is carried out. It is argued that an important component in the processes of financing and development of funds for housing construction is the formation and use of a transparent and adequate (adaptive) public information system for real Ukrainian conditions. The information parameters and content characteristics for the formulation of the basic basis of the studied accounting and analytical system were determined, taking into account the peculiarities and specifics of the activities of organizations in the construction industry, in particular, their influence on accounting procedures regarding the display of operations with capital investments (received funds for housing construction). It was noted that the application of one of the alternative methods of income recognition in accounting has a significant impact on establishing the level of financial and economic status according to the traditional method, determining the effectiveness of the construction organization's operation and the profitability of the total capital (own, borrowed, borrowed) involved in the turnover. It is argued that the construction organization, which carries out housing construction, should be considered as a social system, in which the implementation of appropriate accounting and analytical support will make it possible to expand the informativeness of public reporting both regarding the state of its financial and economic potential, and the rationality of using the received target funds. The researched accounting and analytical support as an information system of a construction enterprise, necessary for the state management of the processes of distribution of funding for housing programs and coordination of the construction industry in general, is substantiated.
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