Keywords: optimization, agrologistic system, agriculture, economical effectiveness


This paper presents the main prerequisites for the development of logistics systems at agricultural enterprises. The definition of the "agrologistic system" category is given, trends in the agrologistic system development are indicated, taking into account the needs for storage, transportation and processing of products. The theoretical and methodological foundations are investigated and the research and practice foundations of the economic mechanism of the functioning of the logistics systems of agricultural enterprises are substantiated. It has been proven that only by carefully examining the logistics systems functional areas, formulating tasks and outlining goals determined as the purpose when creating a logistics system at an agricultural enterprise, it is possible to create an effective agrologistic system and an effective management mechanism.


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How to Cite
Vinichenko, I., Vasil’ev, S., & Pomazan, L. (2023). FEATURES AND OPTIMIZATION OF AGRICULTURAL ENTERPRISES LOGISTICS SYSTEMS. Economy and Society, (48). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2023-48-72