The article is devoted to topical issues of defining the concept of CRM system. The role of information technology in the introduction of marketing activities. The importance of modern solutions in the field of CRM is justified, allowing enterprises to optimize the process of interaction with customers, as well as create an effective mechanism for managing marketing, sales and service. Modern IT solutions in this area allow enterprises to collect a complete history of customer relationships, and always have up-to-date information about the sales process, about solving customer service problems, about the effectiveness of marketing activities. The importance of the CRM system is determined, which, like most automated information systems, is designed to quickly process a large number of information flows and quickly create reports as a reaction to a change in the functioning environment. CRM systems are rational time management, optimization of business processes, brand promotion in the market and, as a result, satisfied customers and an increase in enterprise profits. It is proved that the introduction of CRM systems means a comprehensive transition of the enterprise to a new customer-oriented development policy, as it will be able to improve the quality of customer service and reduce the labor costs of support. The advantages and possibilities of CRM-systems are analyzed. The types of CRM are investigated, which are divided into four groups: operational, analytical, collaborative and combined. The attention is focused on the used CRM-systems at the enterprise, as technologies for collecting and processing large amounts of information about customers, which is simply necessary in modern conditions of a market economy. Implementation of the CRM-system allows to expand and simplify the service, develop individualized measures to preserve and maintain contacts, improve the consumer properties of the offered goods and services, it is a powerful tool for organizing effective communications. The use of such technologies allows companies to reduce administrative costs and increase sales, which leads to increased efficiency of the company. The reserves of increasing the level of marketing activities after the introduction of systems are outlined.
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