Keywords: accounting, non-budget non-profit organizations, non-commercial sector of the economy, deferred revenue, fixed assets


In recent years, the non-commercial sector of the economy has been actively developing in Ukraine, which is a set of non-budget non-profit organizations whose purpose of creation and operation is not to make a profit, but to have a social effect. The effectiveness of the management of a non-budget non-profit organization depends on the correct construction of the accounting system, which takes into account the peculiarities of the activities of such organizations. Inconsistency in the accounting methodology of various non-budget non-profit organizations leads to an incorrect assessment of their performance and future potential. The sphere of operation of non-budget non-profit organizations determines the occurrence of specific incomes, for example, targeted funding, deferred revenue, etc. Since the financial result for non-budget non-profit organizations is not the determining goal of their operation, the interpretation of the deferred revenue is not based on their influence on the indicators of profit or loss of another period, but on compliance with the principle of matching income and expenses. The nomenclature of deferred revenue of non-profit organizations will differ to some extent, and also depend on the specific type of non-budget non-profit organizations. Target financing received as non-current assets or used for the purchase of non-current assets can be reflected in the accounting in two ways: either with a reflection on the accounts of the target financing and write-off of such expenses at the time of accrual of depreciation, or on the account of deferred revenue immediately after the introduction of such an object into exploitation Another important aspect of the accounting display of deferred revenue is the heterogeneity of their composition. The analysis of the composition of deferred revenue allows us to distinguish two groups: deferred revenue that will be distributed within 12 months from the balance sheet date (current) and deferred revenue that will be distributed later than 12 months from the balance sheet date (long-term). Recognition and reflection in accounting of deferred revenue allows to withdraw spent funds from the amounts of received targeted funding and enables external and internal users to fully assess the organization's financial condition and directions of funding use.


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