Keywords: resource conservation, energy efficiency, cost price, vegetable production, natural resources


Today's realities require business entities to reorient economic activity in a resource-saving direction with the possibility of using alternative energy sources, which in the long run will ensure a smooth production process and reduce the cost of products by saving energy costs. The priorities of this study are the determination of the existing reserves of resource conservation of the investigated enterprise, the search for alternative energy sources and the justification of the feasibility of their implementation. In modern economic conditions, the creation of such a greenhouse for the cultivation of vegetable crops is proposed for LLC "Vegetable Plant «Stanyshivka», which would allow setting up energy-saving technology of their production due to traditional sources of heat supply and maximum use of solar energy, as well as a significant reduction of heat consumption due to enclosing structures with rational use heat during computer regulation, which leads to the creation of a reliable, optimal microclimate. To forecast the amount of costs of production resources, in particular energy carriers, the parameters of the mathematical model proposed in the presented methodology could be used, which made it possible to carry out calculations regarding the feasibility of using proposals for planning energy costs for heating greenhouses depending on technology and natural and climatic conditions - the average monthly temperature for this region. The most promising for the enterprise is the combination of energy-generating facilities based on solar batteries and collectors. However, the proposed system can only partially supplement other energy sources. In the same way, the enterprise can use by-products to obtain biogas. The evaluation of the economic efficiency of the use of energy-saving technologies in the conditions of LLC "Vegetable Plant «Stanyshivka» indicates significantly higher indicators of the technological and economic efficiency of the block-type greenhouse, namely: according to the indicators of the efficiency of the hydroponics technology, the company's costs for electricity and heat supply, indicators of the energy intensity of products, labor costs, energy efficiency of production, indices of energy efficiency growth.


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How to Cite
Hrabchuk, I., Bugaychuk, V., & Kolomyets, V. (2022). RESERVES FOR RESOURCE CONSERVATION AND REDUCTION OF THE COST OF VEGETABLE PRODUCTS. Economy and Society, (44).