The article analyzes the strategic development of rural territorial communities of Ukraine and defines the role of green tourism in this development. The development of strategies for the development of territorial units occupies a special place in strategic planning. Building a territory development strategy is an extremely difficult task, it is more difficult than building a development strategy for any large enterprise. It is indicated that the formation of a strategic vision and strategic goals is the basis for the further successful development of the community. At the beginning of strategic planning, the strategic vision and strategic goals of the community are formulated. Strategic goals, in turn, should answer the question of what exactly needs to be done to achieve the strategic vision of community development. The next step in the strategic planning of the studied community is detailing the operational goals of its activity. Rural territorial communities suffer from many problems, in particular, problems with education. It is indicated that the priority of the development of rural green tourism in Ukraine is determined by the urgent need to urgently solve all socio-economic problems of the modern village. An example of defining the strategic vision, strategic and operational goals of the strategy for the development of rural territorial communities related to the development of green tourism has been formulated. It is emphasized that green tourism encourages the improvement of rural homesteads, streets and villages in general; stimulates the development of social infrastructure. Analyzing the above development priorities, we can conclude that the strategic development of rural communities and their capacity directly depends on the development of green tourism. Prosperous rural communities with developed green tourism should become a basic element of effective economic systems. On the one hand, this contributes to the activation of low-income sections of the population, who can count on relatively cheap recreation, and on the other hand, to the development of peasant farms that provide rural green tourism services and the creation of new enterprises. It will also make it possible to attract domestic and foreign investments, implement new projects, which will provide significant additional income to the budget of the rural territorial community and will allow solving many problems, in particular, with sufficient financing of education in communities.
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