Keywords: standardization, standards, goals of sustainable development, goals of standardization, principles of standardization, objects of standardization


The article examines standardization as a tool for achieving the UN's sustainable development goals. Subjects, objects of standardization, its goals and principles in the context of environmental protection, maintaining the health of workers at workplaces, ensuring energy saving, and food safety are considered. The goals of sustainable development are directions of development of the global world, individual countries, regions, enterprises and organizations. The SDGs were adopted for the period from 2015 to 2030 and include 17 Global Goals, which correspond to 169 tasks. The goals of sustainable development of Ukraine for the period until 2030 include 17 SDGs and 86 tasks. Achieving these goals will make it possible to meet the needs of the present generation without jeopardizing the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. The main goals of standardization are the implementation of a unified technical policy in the state; ensuring interchangeability and compatibility of products, their unification; improving the quality of products and services, facilitating the implementation of consumer requirements, environmental protection; promotion of conservation and rational use of all types of resources; ensuring labor protection of personnel at workplaces; protection of objects of the national economy, taking into account the risks of natural and man-made disasters and emergency situations; maintaining the defense capability of the country, etc. By comparing the Sustainable Development Goals and the standardization goals, you can see their coincidence and correlation. Among the principles of standardization, it is possible to single out ensuring the participation of individuals and legal entities in the development of national standards and codes of established practice; openness and transparency of procedures for the development and adoption of national standards and codes of established practice, taking into account the interests of all interested parties; priority of adoption of international and regional standards and codes of established practice in Ukraine as national compliance with international and regional rules and procedures of standardization, etc. The correlation between the Goals of sustainable development and the principles of standardization regarding taking into account the interests of stakeholders, ensuring responsible consumption and production, and partnership for sustainable development is monitored. Thus, based on the goals of standardization and its principles, it can be stated that the standardization system can be considered a tool for ensuring the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals. Standards, regardless of their level, category, type, object, must ensure the implementation of the goals of sustainable development and be developed taking into account the impact on the safety of life and health of people and the environment.


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How to Cite
Bondarenko, S., & Tereshchenko, N. (2022). STANDARDIZATION AS A TOOL FOR ACHIEVING THE GOALS OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT. Economy and Society, (43).