Keywords: information, information and communication support, innovations, innovative development, innovative activity, European integration processes


The article is devoted to studying the modern features of the development of innovative activity during the activation of European integration processes, particularly their informational aspect. The article used the scientific method, the statistical method, and methods of synthesis, analogy, and argumentation. The domestic positions in the global innovation index and its components, closely related to the information provision of innovative activities during 2015-2021, were analyzed. The sequence of information provision of innovative development under the activation of European integration processes has been developed. The application of this sequence by the management of domestic enterprises and organizations will contribute to detailing the influence of information, the use of leading methods, the evaluation of factors that affect this information provision, forming and using indicators for monitoring innovative development. The main directions of the information policy, which are practical for adaptation to domestic business conditions and which are effectively used in the EU countries, are singled out. The indicated areas will contribute to increasing the efficiency of information support for developing innovative activities. Integrating the management information system will contribute to solving complex tasks of strategic, tactical, operational planning, and management of innovative activities. The application of information obtained through the operation of an automated information system will help domestic managers to solve a significant number of problems (for example, the balance of material, financial, information, energy, human resources, ongoing monitoring and evaluation of the results of management decisions, improvement of the cost management system of goods/services, logistics chains, etc.). The recommended sequence of information provision of innovative development under conditions of activation of European integration processes can be used by the management of domestic industrial enterprises under conditions of European integration.


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