The article is devoted to the principles of successful functioning and development of design and construction of hotel and restaurant enterprises. It was analyzed that the process of designing the construction of hotel and restaurant enterprises is the main first criterion of business success. It is argued that the construction of hotel and restaurant enterprises is one of the main factors of business creation and requires thorough research. The current state of operation and development of the construction design process of hotel and restaurant enterprises is highlighted. The characteristics of the features of modern construction principles of hotel and restaurant enterprises are given. The relevance of the creation and development of effective directions for the construction of hotel and restaurant enterprises at the domestic level is considered, and the necessity of their application in practice as a multi-element system that has a positive effect on the functioning of the hospitality industry is substantiated. Hotel-restaurant businesses are foldable, most of the time unique, they are placed in the planning structure of the city and are foldable and viable process. The choice of business for the distribution of business depends on many factors. The place that is collected for everyday life is the responsibility of the mother to the sufficient area of the territory for the improvement of the specifics of the exploitation of the enterprise and the yoga of the city. Bazhano, the house is small, rectangular in shape and not larger on the two sides of the boulder, surrounded by main streets. Inadequate expansion of the enterprises of the hotel and restaurant state on plots with hospitable cottages, which will simplify the process of design and life. The site should have good transport accessibility, convenient connections with the city center and train stations. It should also have free areas for arranging entrances and parking lots for passenger and excursion buses, cars. In addition, a number of special auxiliary and storage areas should be created for the supply service of numerous and diverse groups of premises, which require an individual entrance of freight transport and the organization of their independent loading, unloading, and storage of goods.
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Іnformacіjnij portal u sferі gostinnostі «Hospitality ON» [Hospitality ON information portal]. URL:
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«Revfine» – platforma znanz іndustrії gostinnostі ta turizmu [Revfine is a knowledge platform for the hospitality and tourism industry]. URL: