Keywords: social efficiency, methods of performance evaluation, social entrepreneurship, socio-economic efficiency, performance evaluation in social entrepreneurship


The development of social entrepreneurship has been a stable trend in European countries and America for decades. This type of business help to get a chance for people from disadvantaged groups find the right place in the labor market. In Ukraine, social enterprises are not popular at the moment, however, the demographic situation in Ukraine, combined with the growing need for positive action to develop the social economy in the postwar period, focuses on the need for a more in-depth study of social enterprise human resource management as a model that strengthens the country's social economy. This article analyzes the need to develop a relevant methodology for a comprehensive assessment of the effectiveness of employees of social enterprises, taking into account the specific purpose and conditions of such enterprises. Such points of view will help to Ukraine to rebuild its economy after war. The article examines the variety of interpretations of the concept of personnel evaluation based on the study of scientific literature. The article presents the phenomenon of staff turnover metrics in the conditions of social enterprises and its impact on changing the paradigm of personnel evaluation in enterprises operating on the business model of creating jobs for socially vulnerable groups. The article offers a generalization of the opinions of Ukrainian scientists on the definition of this category. A number of aspects of the process of personnel evaluation at social enterprises have been studied and an interpretation of the concept of personnel evaluation at social enterprises has been proposed. The article analyzes modern methods of personnel evaluation, which are often used by organizations, and presents their advantages and disadvantages in the context of the prospects of application in social enterprises. The necessity of improving the methods of personnel evaluation at social enterprises taking into account the social orientation of such organizations is substantiated. A comprehensive model for staff evaluation in social enterprises of Ukraine is proposed and action items for developing such models inside social enterprises were presented.


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How to Cite
Sytnyk, Y., & Yurchenko, H. (2022). MODERN METHODS OF PERSONNEL EVALUATION AT SOCIAL ENTERPRISES. Economy and Society, (39).