Keywords: recreational and tourist activity, anthropogenic landscapes, technogenic tourism, Kryvyi Rih, industrial tourism, ecotourism


The article is devoted to the research of the essence, features and role of the organization of technogenic tourism in Kryvyi Rih in the modern conditions of reindustrialization of the national economy, and also defines and substantiates the key strategic priorities of the organization of technogenic tourism in Kryvyi Rih. The aim of the work is to study the theoretical and applied aspects of the organization of man-made tourism as a component of tourism in Kryvyi Rih, as well as problems of its development in the reindustrialization of Ukraine's economy during the war. General and special research methods, in particular cartographic, served as research methods: abstraction, generalization, analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, statistical, systems analysis. The information platform provided for legislative and regulatory acts of Ukraine regulating activities in the field of tourism, materials of the Department of Culture, Nationalities and Religions of the Dnipropetrovsk Regional State Administration, statistical bulletins of tourism, works of domestic and foreign scientists on research of natural resource potential, scientific periodicals, materials of scientific and practical conferences, materials of the Internet. The article defines the content and importance of man-made tourism in the structure of the tourism industry. The current state and features of the organization of technogenic tourism of Kryvyi Rih in modern conditions are analyzed. It is substantiated that the regions of Ukraine are currently in an extremely difficult state of transition from industrial to potential post-industrial economy. This transition, in contrast to most developed countries, is quite dramatic, as evidenced by military influence in the old industrial regions of Donbass and Kryvyi Rih. In the end, it was determined that it is impossible to use minerals and export raw materials without developing intellect-intensive industries. Priority directions of development and tools of state support of technogenic tourism in Kryvyi Rih in the context of reindustrialization of Ukraine’s economy are offered.


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How to Cite
Roik, O., & Starova, Y. (2022). FEATURES OF THE ORGANIZATION OF TECHNOGENIC TOURISM IN MODERN CONDITIONS: THE EXPERIENCE OF KRYVYI RIH. Economy and Society, (38). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2022-38-46