It is established that the productivity of the manager of any level depends on the rational distribution of working and leisure time. The main reasons for inefficient use of working time by manager and personnel management of the enterprise are identified, in particular: insufficient level of qualification, lack of practical experience, inability to use planning tools, lack of strategic thinking and vision, inability to divide cases into primary and secondary responsibilities, disorganized business processes, underdeveloped process of information exchange in the organization, unclear formulation of tasks and end results, lack of resources to perform the task, lack of proper coordination of employees, lack of division of labor according to their importance, low motivation, increased workload in the absence of incentives for performers, a large number of meetings and gatherings, low level of automation and digitalization of enterprise processes, distraction on social networks. Objective factors of time shortage are singled out such as: a large flow of routine cases, unforeseen cases, work with correspondence, the emergence of urgent cases. The negative consequences of inefficient use of working time are outlined. The tools to eliminate time wasters are developed and proposed, namely: mandatory planning of cases and time required for their implementation, determining the time reserve for unforeseen events, prioritization of criteria such as urgency and importance of the case, the use of delegation, control performance and monitoring, self-discipline and self-development, self-management. It is established that for the effective use of the law of time in the enterprise, time must be properly "organized" at all levels: personal, team, corporate. Time management strategies in the organization are improved. It is also determined that time management mostly consists in the correct organization of activities, i.e. it is necessary not to manage time, but to manage oneself. The model of the organization of activity of the head is developed. The basic measures concerning the organization of activity of the head for the purpose of rational use of time are offered.
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