Keywords: organizational culture, corporate culture, personnel, efficiency, values, image, motivation


The article systematizes theoretical approaches to the formation of organizational culture as a scientific concept and determines the conditions of practical implementation of the concept at Ukrainian and foreign enterprises. The purpose of the article is to study the theoretical and practical issues of forming an organizational culture and ensure its positive impact on the organization's effectiveness. With the help of induction and deduction methods, comparative analysis, the achievements of foreign and domestic science are systematized, and foreign enterprises' experience is generalized. This made it possible to understand the technologies and methods that can be used by Ukrainian enterprises. Modern scientific approaches to the definition of organizational and corporate culture, particularly philosophical, managerial and formal, are analyzed, the author's definition of the concept is formed. The nature of organizational culture formation, which occurs either spontaneously or under control, is revealed. The article also reveals the formation of organizational culture and key elements that allow revealing the content of the studied processes in the structural aspect. It is emphasized that in modern conditions, the organizational culture impacts the efficiency of the enterprise. Among other things, the importance of conditions for the creative activity of corporate employees is emphasized. The article considers the main characteristics of organizational culture, identifies its features and stages of formation in the enterprise. According to the study, organizational culture is the heart of managing all important factors in the enterprise. Due to the high organizational culture, the company receives results that are the embodiment of the complex effects presented in the article. The article also summarizes foreign companies' experience with a strong organizational culture and whose practices may be of interest to Ukrainian enterprises. Powerful foreign companies claim the reason of success is in high organizational culture and among the important factors of staff performance, organizational culture provides a unique set of conditions. In many Ukrainian enterprises, the role of organizational culture remains implicit, especially in terms of influencing performance.


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