Keywords: employer brand, employer image, HR-branding, HR-brand, HR-brand promotion, digital environment


The issues for employer’s brand development and promotion are exacerbating during the COVID-19 epidemic due to the need for companies to respond simultaneously to external and internal factors. A company that communicates well with the outside world and effectively builds its employer brand is able to become much more attractive to employees and job candidates. More and more companies are using advanced technologies to operate, and even switching their employees to remote employment due to the pandemic. Therefore, in such a new and digital world, it is necessary to attract the best talents who will be able to feel confident in such environment and promote digital transformation programs. The formation and promotion of the employer's brand is very important for attracting talented employees. Digital technologies transformation, that changes the nature of work, is key to this process. As the developments of digital technologies, cloud networks, mobile devices, social media applications for work, adaptive websites and geotagging are happening at the same time and at an increasing speed, employers are focused on searching new ways to make the workplace more digital. The penetration of the employer's brand through each digital place of contact is key, but it is also important to use the employer's brand to provide true information about the company that resonates with the employer's audience. Therefore, a meaningful analysis of current trends in the formation of the employer's brand and the definition the main channels for its promotion in the digital environment still remains the relevant issue. Therefore, there is a need to analyze the current labor market, demands and values of employees, as well as making analysis of approaches to developing and researching the employer's brand strategy as an important component of enterprise management. The article analyzes current trends in the process of formation and promotion the employer’s brand in the digital environment, identifies the main channels for its promotion among Ukrainian companies, and develops recommendations for developing and promoting strategies of the employer’s brand for companies that operate in competitive market environment.


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How to Cite
Varis, I., Kravchuk, O., & Spirina, K. (2022). DIGITAL ENVIRONMENT OF EMPLOYER BRAND DEVELOPMENT. Economy and Society, (36).