Keywords: social enterprise, business model of employment, staff turnover, socially vulnerable population, personnel management


This article synthesizes the essence of key models of positive action, such as case management, impact investments, socially responsible business, open recruitment policy, social enterprise, and their impact on (re) socialization of vulnerable groups and their inclusion in the life of macro- society. Positive action measures were analysed, which were integrated into the Tax Legislation of Ukraine, and the need for additional stimulation and promotion of social enterprises was substantiated. The causes and issues of the study of social enterprises as a phenomenon that can balance economic inequality in society and reduce the threshold for entry into the traditional labour market for people from vulnerable populations were analysed. A comparative description of the classical and social enterprise was given. This article identifies six types of social enterprises depending on the business model following which these enterprises operate; the key characteristics of each business model are given and the most effective one in the context of balancing the social economy in Ukraine is singled out. The special place of social enterprises that use the business model of employment in the development of alternative labour markets and the capacity of socially vulnerable, discriminated, and marginalized groups of society were substantiated. The special conditions of activity of personnel management managers in such enterprises are also presented and the importance of their role in the achievement of the enterprise mission is outlined. The connection between business organizations and social (re) integration organizations was demonstrated. A synthesis of the best cases of social enterprises of the studied type in the United States and the homeland was presented, as well as a common feature. The phenomenon of staff turnover indicator in the context of social entrepreneurship, its simultaneous use in the metrics of positive and negative efficiency of the enterprise are analysed. As a result, an expanded essential characteristic was proposed for the concept of social enterprise, which operates on the business model of employment.


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