Management of talents and its development talents in the system of personnel management of the enterprise is investigated in the article. Foreign researchers show the change to the concept of “management human capitals” to strategic level of management personnel term “management talents” is widely used. Different determinations of the concept of “management talents” is analyzed, which confirms its focus on the strategic level of management personnel. The essence of the concept of “management talents” as the activity of HR-department (division) with forecasting of talented workers’ volumes, that may be need by the company, conditioning for their timely introduction, determination of professions and the level of competence before their potential recruiting is offered. The essence of the concept of “talented worker” is not researched enough the categories of personnel which belong to the enterprise of food industry is discussed. Essence of the concept of “talented worker” as a worker that has professional capabilities, skills, knowledge, experience and works with a high creativity and productivity, always tries to improve the job results is offered in the article. For every category of personnel can be the indexes for determination of talented worker: administrative, technological, technical, organizational, marketing decisions (achievements), achievements of economic, financial results, providing of the level of products competitiveness, invention, rationalizer, certification, tutorship and others like that. Every enterprise also can pull out its own requirements to the personnel with the aim of development of talented workers and providing their competitiveness. The methodical approach to the estimation of the level of management of talents on the basis of determination of integral index by five constituents: reputational, motivational, organizational, skilled and personnel development is offered. This approach will allow finding its weak and problem points with the aim of further improvement and removal of negative tendencies in the personnel development of the enterprise.
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