The article is devoted to the peculiarities of promoting an IT–product and conducting an advertising campaign in the gaming industry based on the implementation of integrated solutions that increase the effectiveness of advertising and increase its impact on the audience in an informatized society. To achieve this goal, methods of generalization and systematic analysis were used, theoretical and methodological recommendations for the use of integrated solutions in advertising campaigns of the gaming industry based on the use of modern information and communication technologies. The main differences in the terminology that characterize the IT–company and the IT project are identified, which allowed to establish and provide a description of the main activities of IT–companies. The results of the assessment of the general position of the IT–sphere in the entertainment and games sector are presented. The basic theoretical positions and principles of conducting advertising campaigns in the IT–sphere, features of promotion of the IT–product of domestic companies on the international markets are considered. It is established that the main methods of promoting mobile products depend on how the audience consumes information. On this basis, it is proposed to use Youtube for advertising campaigns, as the main audience is young people who spend much of their time online. The advertising strategies and tools used by leading IT–companies to reach the target audience are analyzed. It has been established that the informatization of society has had a positive impact on the state of the IT–sector, as it has allowed the implementation of integrated solutions to better reach the audience and establish stable and trusting relationships in the long run. It is proposed to use integrated solutions in the implementation of advertising campaigns that contribute to the positive results of the advertising campaign in terms of informatization of society. Prospects for further research are the development and formation of an advertising strategy to promote the products of domestic IT–companies in the gaming market, which can increase their competitiveness and in the long run to enter foreign markets.
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