Keywords: labor market, SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus pandemic, unemployment, employment, pandemic impact assessment, structural changes in the labor market


This article is devoted to topical issues of the impact of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus pandemic on the labor market in Ukraine. Global forecasts of the impact of the corona crisis on the labor market have been clarified. The dynamics of the number of infected, sick and dead population in Ukraine is given. The consequences of such influence on various aspects of the functioning of the national labor market are analyzed and systematized. The influence of the dynamics of the number of diseases, mortality on the labor resources of Ukraine, the change in unemployment in 2020-2021, structural changes in the composition of labor resources and growing demand for certain professions, opportunities for remote work taking into account digitization processes, features of changes in labor migration in the differentiation of household incomes, gender implications. The main industries that have suffered the most and the least from the effects of COVID-19, as well as the peculiarities of changing their segments in the overall labor market. The reasons for the slow decline in unemployment in Ukraine after the outbreak of coronavirus infection have been identified. The peculiarities of the corona crisis also led to the fact that in the structure of the labor force the most affected were workers engaged in manual labor, usually with a low level of education and low pay. Coronary crisis also has gender implications. Due to the predominance of women's contact services and the need to care for children due to the closure of schools due to the introduction of quarantine measures, the share of women among the "new unemployed" was higher than men. In terms of changes in the sectoral structure of labor, there is a clear sharp increase in global demand for IT professionals of various profiles, the corona crisis has given additional impetus to the use of robots and replace them with jobs and professions that are easy to algorithmize. The possible short-term and long-term consequences of the impact of quarantine measures on the market situation are outlined. Conclusions have been made on the state of the labor market during the COVID-19 pandemic and prospects for further research in this area are needed.


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How to Cite
Salo, Y., & Baleziuk, O. (2021). COVID-19’S AFFECT ON THE LABOR MARKET IN UKRAINE. Economy and Society, (33).