The article is devoted to the essence of diversification in the energy sector of the Ukrainian economy, topical problems of the formation of the country's energy balance. The dynamics of the share of renewable energy sources in the total energy consumption in Ukraine have been analyzed. Energy (energy sector) is a crucial type of economic activity of any country. Effective functioning of the energy sector is essential for stabilizing and restructuring Ukraine's economy. Harmonious development of the energy market contributes to increasing the state's energy security (security), as one of the key elements of national security. The issue of diversification of energy supply became especially relevant at the stage of reforming the energy sector. Diversification is a complex, multifaceted phenomenon that must be fully integrated with all processes of the national economy. Therefore, energy diversification requires exceptionally detailed research considering the following aspects: economic, environmental, production, technical, managerial, etc. The structure of the energy balance and its imbalances have been investigated. The essence of diversification in the energy sector of Ukraine has been determined, which should be carried out following European standards, principles, regulations, taking into account the close relationships between the diversification of natural energy resources, their supply routes, etc. and the level of energy security of the country. The prospects for diversification in the energy sector of Ukraine in the context of European integration are given. It is proposed to carry out diversification in the energy sector of Ukraine in an evolutionary, structured, complex, multidimensional, purposeful, emergent, dynamic, synergistic manner. Diversification of ways and sources of energy supply in Ukraine should take place exclusively on the market, competitive basis. Today's Ukrainian choice will be crucial for the harmonious development of energy, economy, and climate improvement in a few years. Harmonious development of the country's economy is possible only under coordination and acceleration of efforts to promote energy transformation.
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