The article reveals the main trends in the development of warehousing services in today's conditions. The urgency of using cross-docking as one of the critical elements of supply chain optimization by reducing the cost of renting warehouses, maintaining storage space with minimal staff involvement, and reducing the delivery time of products is emphasized. The essence of the concept of "cross-docking" is interpreted as a technology and the process of receiving and shipping goods and cargo through the warehouse directly without storage. With this, it is possible to achieve an efficient process of processing incoming and outgoing product flows. The types of cargo for which cross-docking is the most effective are outlined, namely perishable food products (meat, dairy, vegetable, fruit products); consumer goods; orders that are formed for fast delivery; high-quality products that do not require inspection when accepting a cross-docking terminal; products that have a clearly defined sales period. Specific planning and equipment of warehouses with cross-docking are given. Emphasis is placed on the largest length of the building to accommodate more gate docks. The width of the warehouse should be one-third of its length for easy separation of input and output streams. The critical elements of the benefits of cross-docking are presented, and certain limitations that it can cause are highlighted. The characteristic features of the modification of cross-docking are revealed: the BBXD (Break Bulk cross-docking) service, which assumes that the goods arrive at the distribution center of the logistics provider in any form; fast flow service, which is created specifically for sales and is the result of a synthesis of cross-docking, BBXD and fulfilment. Based on the monitoring of the structure of cross-docking services of major players in foreign and domestic markets, it is emphasized that with the successful use of cross-docking elements companies are able to reduce the cost of their products by reducing warehousing costs and maintain market leadership.
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