Тhe main approaches to the analysis of enterprises monetary resources are disclosed in the article. The interdependence of cash adequacy with the level of solvency of the business entity and financial stability is justified. It is argued that the quality of the obtained effective information, which will be used in the management of the company's funds, depends on the tasks, the quality of information support, the available resources for the analysis. Present in economic literature directions of lead through of analysis of money resources: cash adequacy analysis; solvency and liquidity analysis; аnalysis of incoming and outgoing cash flows in terms of activities of the entity; vertical and horizontal cash analysis; analysis of quality and balance (the ratio of income and expenditure of cash flows) cash flows; cash flow efficiency; factor analysis of cash; SWOT-analysis of cash are systematized. The basic features of the methods used to conduct monetary resources analysis are revealed. The article identifies the tasks that can be solved by enterprises through the use of the results of the analysis of money resources. Also determined that the composition of indicators in the analysis of monetary resources in statics and dynamics differs. It is noted that each enterprise there is an own size of sufficientness of providing monetary resources, which is determined as him of a particular branch belonging and individual characteristics. Basic informative sources, which are used lead through of analysis of money resources to which belong: circulating balance fame, balance, report, about financial results, on motion of money it is exposed in article. Тhe methodological problem of cash flow analysis is the different time of cash and profit of the enterprise, which can lead to distorted information and do not correspond to the actual results and position of the enterprise it is fixed. Appropriate recommendations are provided to improve the effectiveness of monetary resources analysis, which is the feasibility of a combined analysis of cash in the dynamics of accounts payable and receivable, the timeliness of repayment of which affects the absolute amount of cash flows.
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