Keywords: an enterprise, pandemic, enterprise, development, model business, is social


The relevance of this article is primarily related to the development of social entrepreneurship under the influence of the crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and the effects of the crisis on the activities of social enterprises, support for social entrepreneurship at the state level in Ukraine and in foreign countries. The purpose of the article is to consider the functioning of social enterprises during a pandemic, to identify problematic aspects and possible directions of development of social entrepreneurship in Ukraine during a pandemic. According to the World Bank, the global economy fell by 4.3% last year, the pandemic resulted in casualties and population, and millions of people were in trouble. Social innovators, disruptors in the service of others in situations where traditional actors or the market have failed, are needed more than ever in the current COVID-19 pandemic. This is especially true as the health and economic impacts hit the excluded, vulnerable and those in the informal economy the hardest. The COVID-19 pandemic came as a surprise to the world, and each country has questions about the ability of its government to meet the challenges it faces in all walks of life. At the beginning of the pandemic, fist of all there were disruptions and delays in the schedule of deliveries and deliveries of workers to the workplace, as the government developed measures to curb the spread of the virus worldwide. The consequences of quarantine have a long-term effect, so the resumption of work in some enterprises is still happening. Many social enterprises have changed their business models to ensure the fulfillment of orders and the provision of services over the Internet. As a result, digitalization has become the key to business continuity. Following the pandemic, small and medium-sized businesses are likely to be divided into two types: business and e-commerce. In times like these, we need social innovators even more - s they are already embedded and empower communities and are responsive with solutions – an d they are adapting to the immediate needs of the people they serve. The practical value of the study is that its results can be used to study the work of the social enterprise during the quarantine restrictions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.


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How to Cite
Dziuba, O., & Beridze, K. (2021). EVELOPMENT OF SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP IN UKRAINE AND FOREIGN COUNTRIES BASED ON THE INFLUENCE OF THE CRISIS CAUSED BY THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC. Economy and Society, (31). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2021-31-29