The article analyzes the current state and development trends of the milk market in Ukraine, which is an important component of the agricultural sector of the economy. Considering the fact that milk is one of the main food products, its production and consumption have a direct impact on the food security and economic well-being of the country. The purpose of the article is a comprehensive analysis of the development of the milk market in Ukraine, consideration of the main structural transformations that directly affected its activity and justification of priority measures for its further stabilization in the context of modern Ukrainian realities. To achieve the goal, the following main research methods were used during the research: comparison, logical generalization, system approach and system-structural analysis, method of analysis and synthesis, calculation-constructive method. The current problems faced by milk producers are revealed - the increase in the cost of production, the loss of this product in the war zone and in the occupied territories, the lack of an effective toolkit for crediting enterprises during the war. The main indicators of its development and economic efficiency of production are analyzed. It was found that during the years of independence, the dairy industry faced such problems as a reduction in the number of dairy cattle, a decrease in the volume of milk production and, as a result, a decrease in the volume of its consumption. Attention is focused on the fact that the majority of milk is produced by private farms of the population, so it is necessary to consider one of the priority directions - state support of the main milk producers on the market and the creation of conditions and opportunities for their support and gradual transformation into dairy cooperatives. On the basis of the conducted analysis, the main problems of the analyzed market were determined and directions for their solution were outlined. The practical significance of the obtained results lies in the fact that the author's recommendations can be used by agricultural enterprises or private households of the population in average activities.
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