The article presents comprehensive research on psychological aspects of human resource management in remote employment conditions. Based on contemporary research analysis, the theoretical and methodological foundations of studying psychological mechanisms of effective remote work are revealed through self-determination theory, social presence concept, job demands-resources model, and psychological contract theory. The transformation of the traditional psychological contract in remote work conditions is identified, characterized by changing mutual expectations between employees and organizations regarding self-organization, responsibility, technological infrastructure, and psychological support. Key psychological factors of remote work effectiveness are investigated at individual-psychological (self-regulation, stress resilience, work-life boundary management) and socio-psychological levels (virtual communication quality, team interaction, trust). Main remote work stressors are identified, including organizational (blurred work time boundaries, coordination complexity), socio-psychological (isolation, reduced cohesion), and technological (information overload, technical failures). A system of practical recommendations for psychological support of remote work is developed at three levels: organizational (forming psychological support strategy, creating infrastructure, developing corporate culture), managerial (developing virtual leadership competencies, implementing trust-based management practices), and individual (developing self-organization skills, stress resilience, and virtual communication). Special attention is paid to the specifics of the Ukrainian wartime context, requiring additional measures to ensure personnel safety, business continuity, and psychological support for employees during air raids, power outages, and forced relocation. The importance of developing organizational and personnel resilience is substantiated as a key competency for rapid recovery from stressful situations and adaptation to constant changes. Prospects for further research are identified in creating a comprehensive system of psychological support for remote work, considering both global digital transformation trends and unique challenges of the Ukrainian business environment.
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