Keywords: strategy customization, municipal management, territorial marketing, community economic development, territorial branding, management digitalization, incremental approach


The article examines the theoretical and applied aspects of implementing customized strategies in the practice of municipal management to ensure sustainable economic development of communities. The interrelation of territory marketing with the forms of management at the municipal level is considered. The author examines the principles of modern management based on adapted management and digital technologies that allow identifying problems of interaction with demanding customers and transforming consumer data into effective marketing information. The role of customization as a tool for developing a unique value proposition for community residents is substantiated. A model of customization of the marketing strategy in municipal administration is proposed, which describes the relationship between the state of customization and the stages of its implementation. It is established that in the practice of municipal management, the development of marketing strategies serves as a starting point for the vector of communitieseconomic development, which the authors propose to consider in the proposed model in terms of creating a customized value proposition, which will include several defining principles and priority concepts. First, it is the adaptation of marketing strategies to consumer requests, their needs and interests based on predictive analytics. Secondly, it is the flexibility of adjusting strategies to changes in customer preferences in real time. The next principle is service differentiation, which will allow us to meet the needs of various segments and consumers of municipal services. The fourth important concept in the model proposed by the authors is direct continuous communication and interaction with customers. The fifth principle is an incremental approach to making managerial decisions on the implementation of marketing strategies by the manufacturer of products or services. The article emphasizes that the implementationeffectiveness of customization strategies is reflected in their impact on the economic sustainability of the region though personalization of services, participatory budgeting, creation of a favorable investment climate, digitalization of management and an incremental approach to decision-making. It is proved that the customization of municipal management strategies creates the best conditions for the formation of a unique identity of territories and increases their competitiveness and economic sustainability.


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Yurchenko, O., Bober, L., & Nykoniuk, K. (2024). КАСТОМІЗАЦІЯ СТРАТЕГІЙ МУНІЦИПАЛЬНОГО УПРАВЛІННЯ ЯК МАРКЕТИНГОВИЙ ІНСТРУМЕНТ ЕКОНОМІЧНОГО РОЗВИТКУ ГРОМАД. Economy and Society, (70). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2024-70-51