Keywords: logistics, transport logistics, innovations, transport processes, logistics processes, digitalization, management


The article explores the pivotal role of logistics in modern society and its significant impact on various economic sectors. Special emphasis is placed on transport logistics as a critical component of the overall logistics system, ensuring the efficient movement of goods, raw materials, and finished products within the supply chain. The main functions of transport logistics, including the optimization of transport flows, cost reduction, and improvement of customer service levels, are thoroughly analyzed. The study highlights the key challenges faced by the logistics sector in light of the COVID-19 pandemic and the Russia-Ukraine war. These challenges include disruptions in supply chains, increased transportation costs, and a shortage of qualified personnel due to workforce mobilization and health-related restrictions. Additionally, the destruction of infrastructure, such as roads, railways, and logistics hubs, has significantly complicated transportation processes, leading to delays and higher insurance and storage costs. The article underscores the importance of adopting innovative technologies in transport logistics to address these challenges and improve the overall efficiency of logistics operations. Key innovations, such as autonomous vehicles, artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, and robotics, are discussed as tools to enhance transparency, speed, and safety in logistics processes. The integration of these technologies can lead to the reduction of costs, minimization of human error, and improved adaptability to dynamic market conditions. The authors also examine the specific barriers to innovation in Ukraine, including economic instability, inadequate infrastructure, high implementation costs, and regulatory hurdles. The article concludes by emphasizing the need for a comprehensive approach to modernizing Ukraine's transport logistics sector. This includes upgrading infrastructure, integrating into global logistics networks, fostering state support through subsidies and tax incentives, and promoting the adoption of advanced technologies. Overcoming these barriers will ensure the enhancement of logistics efficiency, cost reduction, and strengthening of Ukraine's competitive position in the global market. The findings provide valuable insights for further academic research and practical improvements in the field of transport logistics.


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How to Cite
Salo, Y., Tarasova, K., & Novak, H. (2024). THE ROLE OF INNOVATION IN THE TRANSPORT LOGISTICS’ DEVELOPMENT. Economy and Society, (70).