Keywords: social responsibility, environmental friendliness of production, green economy, competitiveness, sustainable development


The purpose of the article is to study the concept of business social responsibility in the context of the transition to a "green" economy to determine its impact on the formation of an environmentally oriented corporate strategy and the integration of environmental principles into the activities of the enterprise. The study is based on a systematic combination of qualitative and quantitative analysis. Theoretical generalization methods were used to identify key aspects of business social responsibility in the context of a "green" economy. Comparative analysis was used to study international and domestic experience in implementing environmentally responsible practices. The content analysis method was used to analyze the regulatory framework on which business social responsibility is based. The research tools allow formulating practical recommendations for integrating the principles of social responsibility into the activities of enterprises. The article examines modern approaches to integrating environmental principles into corporate responsibility strategies of enterprises in the context of their role in solving environmental problems of production. The relationship between environmental initiatives of business, efficient use of resources and economic competitiveness is investigated. The role of social responsibility of business in the formation of an environmentally conscious corporate culture that contributes to the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals is revealed. Tools are identified that help enterprises meet the requirements of the "green" economy based on the introduction of the principles of the circular economy and transparency of business processes. The obstacles that enterprises face during adaptation to environmental standards are considered, and mechanisms for overcoming these barriers are proposed. The need for the formation of public-private partnerships is proven to create favorable conditions for the implementation of social responsibility in the context of the "green" economy to ensure the environmental sustainability of the national economy.


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How to Cite
Pshybelskyi, V., Kolosok, A., & Shmatkovska, T. (2024). BUSINESS SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY IN A GREEN ECONOMY. Economy and Society, (69).