The article examines the impact of agricultural extension services on the realization of sustainable rural development goals. In the context of the global changes taking place in the world today, which are striking in their scale and complexity, not only technologies are changing, but also the human worldview itself. The desire to ensure a decent future for future generations is the essence of the concept of sustainable development and defines its strategic guidelines. The agricultural sector, in particular, sustainable rural development, plays a key role in implementing these guidelines. However, both in Ukraine and abroad, there are problems in this area caused, in particular, by the low level of innovation potential, which, among other things, is due to the insufficient quality of education and the lack of its targeted focus on the needs of sustainable development. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the directions of advisory activities in the process of creating an effective model of sustainable rural development based on the use of modern digital technologies and social innovations. It is determined that in the context of transformational changes caused by the introduction of the Agriculture 5.0 concept, the importance of rural development and sustainable rural development is increasing. The importance of agricultural extension and their focus on ensuring the realization of sustainable rural development goals is substantiated. The expediency of applying the model of innovative development based on cooperation between business, government, education and the local territorial community is proved. The author emphasizes the role of agricultural extension as the central link in this model. The following areas are identified as promising: development and implementation of new areas of counseling, in particular on circular economy issues; promotion of various forms of cooperation, such as partnership, cooperation and co-operation; provision of individual consultations to small agricultural enterprises on information management support; active participation in activities aimed at developing the necessary digital skills of agricultural workers and rural residents. Prospect for further research is the development of an organizational mechanism and methodological support for consulting activities in the context of forming digital competencies of employees of small agricultural enterprises and rural residents.
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