The purpose of the study is to analyze the effectiveness of quality management systems in the field of commodity research to increase the profitability of enterprises. The article examines the key aspects of implementing quality management systems and their impact on optimizing production processes, reducing costs and ensuring financial stability. Special attention is paid to the role of international quality standards such as ISO 9001, ISO 14001, and HACCP and their contribution to reducing product defects, increasing competitiveness, and customer satisfaction. Modern approaches to the implementation of digital technologies in quality management systems, including Big Data, the Internet of Things (IoT), blockchain, ERP systems, and analytical tools for forecasting market trends, are considered. The advantages of automating control processes are identified, which allow identifying defects at the early stages of production, reducing costs and increasing the efficiency of resource use. The article analyzes the possibilities of implementing VR/AR technologies for staff training and product testing, as well as the use of cloud platforms for integration with international standards. The article also emphasizes the importance of social responsibility and environmental management, which help to build customer trust, improve brand reputation and attract environmentally conscious consumers. It is found that quality management systems contribute to the long-term development of enterprises through continuous improvement of internal processes, product quality and meeting modern market requirements. The results of the study confirm that an effective quality management system is the main factor in increasing the profitability of an enterprise by reducing production costs, improving product performance and increasing customer loyalty. The findings can be used to develop strategies for improving quality management in commodity science, in particular in the context of digital business transformation.
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