Keywords: banking system, martial law, blank refinancing, liquidity, stabilization, National Bank of Ukraine, financial resilience


The article examines blank refinancing as a pivotal tool for stabilizing Ukraine's banking sector amid martial law and ongoing wartime challenges. The research provides a comprehensive analysis of the legal and regulatory framework that governs this mechanism, emphasizing its critical importance in the context of financial and operational disruptions caused by military aggression. The study explores the dynamics of the banking sector’s liquidity management and evaluates the measures undertaken by the National Bank of Ukraine (NBU) to address systemic vulnerabilities. Particular attention is devoted to the role of blank refinancing in mitigating liquidity shortages, maintaining operational continuity, and supporting credit institutions during crises. The purpose of this study is to analyze the role and effectiveness of blank refinancing as an instrument to ensure the stability of Ukraine’s banking sector under extreme conditions. The relevance of the topic is determined by the critical need to maintain financial resilience and support the banking sector amid ongoing military aggression, which has resulted in unprecedented challenges for the financial system. Addressing these challenges is crucial for preserving economic stability and enabling post-crisis recovery. The methodology of the research involves a systematic analysis of normative legal acts (NLAs) regulating blank refinancing, alongside the examination of statistical data on the volume of refinancing operations. Furthermore, the article assesses the effectiveness of this mechanism in ensuring financial resilience under extreme conditions. The research underscores the practical implications of blank refinancing for enhancing the stability of the banking system and its capacity to withstand shocks. The findings indicate that during the initial days of the crisis, blank refinancing played a key role in ensuring the stability of the banking sector, serving as a critical emergency tool to address immediate liquidity needs. The conclusions drawn highlight the significance of blank refinancing in reinforcing the financial system’s adaptability and operational sustainability under the strain of both immediate crises and protracted recovery efforts.


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How to Cite
Bereslavska, O., Sapalov, V., & Suprun, A. (2024). UNSECURED REFINANCING AS AN INSTRUMENT FOR STABILIZING THE BANKING SECTOR DURING MARTIAL LAW. Economy and Society, (68). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2024-68-196