The article examines the problems and prospects of developing a supply chain management system based on the use of blockchain technology in domestic business. The main purpose of the article is to identify the problems and prospects for the use of blockchain technology in supply chain management systems. For domestic and foreign clients, the issue of the level of transparency of supply operations is relevant, since it is quite difficult to trace all events with goods in general. Ensuring trust and transparency in supply chains is also important for intermediate suppliers (monitoring all transactions helps distribution center management to ensure the reliability of supply and optimize the supply chain as a whole). Therefore, an urgent challenge for logistics today is the use of end-to-end monitoring of financial, information, commodity and other flows between all participants in the supply chain. In writing this article, we used morphological and analytical methods. The path of a product(s) may include a significant number of objects and locations in different countries. The author emphasizes that it is becoming increasingly difficult for stakeholders to track, control, and coordinate the supply of goods. The article highlights the difficulties in effectively achieving a sufficient (planned) level of security and monitoring various operations in supply chains. The author presents a system for introducing blockchain technology into supply chain management systems. The blockchain facilitates monitoring of all transactions, which helps the management of distribution centers, consumers and other stakeholders in the logistics process to ensure the reliability of supply and optimize the supply chain as a whole. The article generalizes the scheme of blockchain technology as a set of interrelated stages. The paper describes, details the advantages and disadvantages and threats of using blockchain technology in domestic and foreign supply chains. With the help of the blockchain system, organizations will be able to collect and accumulate operational analytics, prevent failures, errors, etc.
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