This study is a special analysis of the current state of the tourism industry of the city of Kamianets-Podilskyi in the context of the implementation of technologies of tourist activity and tour operating, in particular, the tourist attendance of the city in 2006-2023, the activity of tourist areas of Kamianets-Podilskyi, the functioning of information and tourist centers, also advanced technologies for the promotion and implementation of a local tourist product. As the main research task of the article, the author aims to analyze the current state of the tourism industry of Kamianets-Podilskyi in the context of the implementation of technologies of tourist activity, tour operating and promotion of the tourist product. Author uses multiple scientific methods, such as: analysis, synthesis, comparative method, generalization method etc. The practical significance of the article lies in revealing the current state of the tourism industry in Kamianets-Podilskyi and assessing its potential in the future. Despite the significant number of scientific works, this topic is far from scientific exhaustion. Thus, further analysis of the development trends of the tourism industry in such an important tourist center as Kamianets-Podilskyi is extremely relevant for determining challenges and priority sectors in the coming years. Kamianets-Podilskyi is a city with ancient traditions of tourism and hospitality. For more than a decade, hundreds of thousands of tourists have been coming to this tourist pearl of Podillia every year. Tourist attendance in last 20 years is characterized by several peak periods, when more than 220,000-240,000 tourists per year came to the city in average. Despite Russia's large-scale military aggression on the territory of Ukraine, the tourism industry of Kamianets-Podilskyi continues to function and develop. Dozens of tourism companies and enterprises work in the city, focused on the sale of tourist products for both domestic and foreign tourism. However, despite quite significant gains, the local tourism industry retains significant unrealized potential. The main obstacles to the development of tourism are the imperfection of the modern legislative framework, the insufficient level of service, as well as the low material security of the majority of the population. All these factors significantly inhibit the growth of both domestic and foreign tourism. At the same time, the russian-Ukrainian war has a negative impact on inbound tourism, which could potentially bring significant profits to the city.
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