The article analyzes and explores the problems and prospects of using marketing tools in the formation of enterprise brand value. The main objectives of the article are to study the problems of using marketing tools in the formation of enterprise brand value and the prospects for solving them. The methods used in the research are morphological analysis, synthesis, induction, and system analysis. The necessity of creating, further developing, and maintaining brands in different historical periods of economic development is analyzed. The problems of forming the values of the enterprise brand and their further practical solution are highlighted. Effective and consistent performance of brand functions helps enterprises to achieve significant prospects and results. It is advisable to test the perception of the values of the enterprise brand in targeted focus groups and to adjust and regulate the results of this process. The paper proposes a structural scheme of functional support of marketing tools in the formation of enterprise brand value. The key functions of the brand are detailed. It is established that several main problems arise in the formation of enterprise brand values and their further practical use. The first is the very formulation of values. There is a need, an attempt to include as many positive values as possible in the values of the enterprise brand. However, this leads to the fact that consumers are simply confused by this diversity and cannot recall any specific value. It is advisable to limit the list of the most important beliefs that clearly define the essence of the brand. Research shows that the optimal number of values is 5. Another problem is the direct articulation of values. A good way to solve this problem is to formulate the final version of the company's brand values through brainstorming (with the participation of top managers). The practical results of the article are that the effective and consistent implementation of brand functions will help enterprises achieve significant prospects and results. It is advisable to test the perception of the values of the enterprise brand in targeted focus groups and to adjust and regulate the results of this process.
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