Complex and dynamic socio-economic conditions necessitate the continuous development of theories and methodological frameworks for strategic management to substantiate the selection of an enterprise's development strategy. This article aims to enhance strategic analysis by identifying its contemporary features and methods of implementation. The essence of strategic analysis is defined as a comprehensive study of the state and development prospects of the external environment to identify opportunities and threats to an enterprise’s activities, as well as internal factors representing its strengths, which can mitigate adverse trends in the external environment, and problematic aspects (its weaknesses) for timely resolution of their negative impacts. The article identifies and characterizes the main subsystems of the internal environment, including marketing, innovation, finance, production, personnel, and management. The external environment is analyzed through two subsystems: the remote external environment and the proximate external environment. The approaches of various scholars to delineate the components of these subsystems are reviewed, their analysis is conducted, and appropriate levels of strategic analysis under modern conditions are determined. It is noted that in analyzing the remote external environment, the following analytical directions are appropriate: demographic, economic, natural-geographical, technological, political, sociocultural, and international. The primary components of the proximate external environment include competitors, suppliers, consumers, marketing intermediaries, and financial-credit institutions. The article provides a comparative analysis of specific methods of strategic analysis, including PEST, SWOT, SPACE, Porter’s Five Forces, industry analysis, and SOAR. Their common features and distinctive characteristics are identified, enabling the selection of the most appropriate method depending on the objectives and conditions of the analysis. The research conducted and the results obtained contribute to improving the quality of strategic analysis outcomes, enhancing the rationale for setting strategic objectives for enterprises, and defining strategies to achieve them. Keywords: strategic analysis, factors of influence, external environment, internal environment, methods of strategic analysis, objectives, strategy.
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