The article presents the results of research and development of a modular online store management system aimed at automating business processes and implementing recommendation systems. The main emphasis is placed on integrating modern information technologies, particularly artificial intelligence algorithms, to improve the efficiency of managing orders, products and transactions. The study analyzes existing approaches to online retail automation, identifying their key advantages and disadvantages. The main methods of building recommendation systems were investigated, including content-based filtering, collaborative filtering, and transaction analysis-based approaches. The choice of the Apriori algorithm for implementing the recommendation system, which allows effective identification of associative rules without the need to store personal purchase history, is justified. The proposed system architecture is based on a modular approach that provides flexibility, scalability, and the ability to adapt functionality to specific business needs. Integration with the recommendation system allows generating personalized offers based on transaction data, significantly improving the speed and accuracy of recommendations. The article also details the mechanism for updating the database to ensure transaction relevance and optimize the volume of stored data. The conducted SWOT analysis of the system confirmed its potential for implementation in online stores of various scales, especially for niche markets. The research results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach to business process automation, which allows increasing productivity, reducing costs, and improving customer experience. The conclusions point to the possibility of further system improvement through API integration for external platforms, expanding analytics functionality, and using machine learning algorithms to increase recommendation accuracy. The proposed system is a promising solution for modern e-commerce, providing a balance between functionality, ease of use, and implementation costs.
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