Keywords: currency regulation, currency market, currency regulation system, development, national economy, currency restrictions, currency control


It is proved that currency regulation is an important element of the country's economic policy. The theoretical aspects of this issue are studied. It is noted that in the scientific space there are several approaches to interpreting the concept of currency regulation and its content (using a "narrow" approach and adhering to a broad understanding). Attention is focused on the fact that the domestic currency market largely reflects the main trends and situation in the national economy, which is fully consistent with general global characteristics. According to the results of the study, it was established that in practice, to implement the process of currency regulation and control, the country uses a system consisting of certain means of influence - instruments (both market and administrative). The set of such instruments and their share in the general system of currency regulation and control of the country are specific in different states due to the situation on the currency market and the degree of its development, the level of convertibility of the national currency, the presence of modern challenges and risks, etc. Attention is focused on the main instruments that are part of the domestic system of currency regulation and control. Among them: discount policy; foreign exchange policy; devaluation and revaluation; diversification of foreign exchange reserves; policy of currency restrictions. A retrospective analysis of the state of the domestic currency regulation system was conducted. It was noted that after 2014, due to the European integration vector of the country's development, a new stage in the development of the domestic currency regulation system was observed, which is characterized by a change in the regulatory model to a liberal one. Attention is focused on the fact that the war in the country, which began due to aggression from the Russian Federation, created significant challenges and additional risks for the national economy, causing sharp changes in the currency market and in the sphere of regulation of such operations (from liberal policy to strict restrictions). Regulatory actions that were implemented in the currency market during the martial law period are characterized. Promising directions for the development of the sphere of currency regulation in the country are formed.


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