In the conditions of a full-scale invasion, the food industry of Ukraine ensures both the food security of the state and a significant share of foreign exchange from exports. The main factor that negatively affects the activities of Ukrainian food industry enterprises is the full-scale invasion of Russia, which caused the relocation/destruction or shutdown of enterprises, the migration of the population to safe regions, and, accordingly, the lack of qualified labor. Mobilization to the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the migration of skilled labor abroad had the greatest impact on the labor resources of Ukraine in general and the food industry in particular. The purpose of the article is to study the labor resources of the food industry of Ukraine, which developed in the conditions of the full-scale invasion of Russia into Ukraine. In the process of research, the method of generalization (analysis of the labor market in Ukraine), comparison (estimation of proposed and actual wages), systematization (assessment of problems with labor resources of the food industry of Ukraine), etc. was used. The article analyzes and summarizes the state of labor resources in the labor market of the food industry, determines the age structure of applicants for positions in the production of food products, including women's articles, determines that the share of women has increased, which is due to mobilization to the ranks of the Armed Forces, examines the state of wage arrears wages and the proposed wages for vacancies in the production of food products, the problems of delay in the payment of wages are identified, which are primarily related to the full-scale invasion of Russia in Ukraine, the decrease in the volume of production, indebtedness of buyers, the lack of qualified personnel and problems in the labor market of Ukraine, which are currently caused by the disproportionate distribution of industrial production in Ukraine. The results of the study emphasize the importance of the analysis of labor resources for the food industry of Ukraine.
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